05 Apr

Signs of Life

Each year I appreciate spring more and more! At the beginning of March I had the honor to play for St. Joseph’s Indian school in Chamberlain, SD. Elizabeth and baby Jane were able to join me, which was a blessing. We were so grateful to learn more about the Native community there. Our hearts and […]

15 Sep

Summer Wrap Up

I can feel fall creeping in, and before summer is officially over, I want to share about our many adventures since I last checked in. We made it to California in July and were so grateful to plug into a few events including time spent with the Catholic Fellows and the vibrant young adult group […]

12 Jun

Homeward Bound

It seems that weddings are what draw us home. We love weddings and we love home, so we couldn’t be happier. The last time we were home it was for the wedding of Elizabeth’s sister. This month we are home to celebrate my brother’s wedding. In July we will hit the road for a quick […]

21 May

I can climb mountains…

If you have been waiting to hear if we ever saw a Gator, we regret to inform you that we did not. I guess it only confirms that we will have to get back to the South. We are currently about as far from the south as possible. The last two weeks have been spent […]